President-elect of the United States

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to announce the legislation on immigration on his first day in office.
“Clearly we are in uncharted waters,” D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said after the “violent insurrection” at the Capitol.
Trump's losing his grip on the GOP, leaving him more politically isolated than ever during his turbulent term.
Biden has sold himself to Americans as an uniter and a seasoned legislative broker. He's aware of the stakes on Jan. 5.
The 11 Republicans join Sen. Josh Hawley in objecting when the Electoral College results are tallied in Congress.
Washington is reeling over the president's demand as failure to agree on the bill puts millions of Americans in peril.
Biden said he would refrain from holding a "super" version of Trump's October nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, which led to a COVID-19 surge in the White House.
The president and his allies continue to mount new cases, recycling the same baseless claims with little or no luck.
Harris is not worried about a possible Trump run in 2024 as she speaks up for small businesses at a D.C. holiday market.
Chris Krebs tells 60 Minutes allegations of U.S. voting machines being manipulated by foreign countries were baseless.