
The "Red Table Talk" star addressed rumors suggesting she had something to do with her husband hitting the comedian onstage at the 2022 Academy Awards.
Trudeau said that he and Grégoire Trudeau, who have been married 18 years, made the decision "after many meaningful and difficult conversations."
"Conventional wisdom told me that if you want to work on your marriage, you should stay in your marriage. For once, I didn’t follow what I’d been told."
HuffPost spoke with several couples about how they’ve coped with being separated from each other during the pandemic, and what advice they have for others.
Protestors gathered outside the home of DHS Secertary Kirstjen Nielsen to play her the audio of crying children that she helped separate from their migrant parents.
The couple claim they will remain "deeply connected, loving friends."
"His ego was getting bigger and bigger."
Relationships are never all bad, and you might have been trying too hard to focus on the things you still valued while you were slipping away inside. You've been struggling with whether you're really done or just need a new way to be together.
If you think of God as "up there, somewhere," and you as "down here on earth," that is to say, if you see God as separate from you -- then that is precisely why God cannot be found.