The Friend Zone

These words — and the assumption behind them — are surprisingly toxic to relationships.
These long-distance best friends prove that online friendships are the real deal.
Financial disparities can make trip-planning and dinners super stressful. Here's how to be more accommodating of all your friends.
Experts share their advice for keeping up with friends even when your mental health is suffering.
Making friends on Bumble BFF or other apps is doable with realistic expectations, some patience and the right approach.
The constant friend drama can be draining. Here's what to look for and how to deal.
Is your friend positive and supportive? Those are signs that your friendship will go the distance.
If you're letting relationships fade away, is it a sign of depression or just a product of pandemic exhaustion and stress? Here's how to tell.
So you don't have a "village" of other parents. Don't stress.
These words — and the assumption behind them — are surprisingly toxic to relationships.