Chris Dodd's Fight to Restore Habeas Corpus

Chris Dodd wrote a guest-post on my blog focused on his fight to restore habeas corpus, which he's committed to restoring, with the help of Patrick Leahy and.
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Chris Dodd is running for president as many of you already know. Well today on my blog he wrote a guest post as part of my candidate series. He focused on his fight to restore habeas corpus, which he's committed to restoring, with the help of Patrick Leahy and you. Here's part of the post. It's important.

... I've said it before but the issue is too important to not repeat here: I pledge that if elected I will restore the Constitution of the United States in my first hour in office. I won't wait until then to take action and I'm committed to leading to restore the Constitution from my place in the Senate. This week I am working with my colleague Patrick Leahy to restore habeas corpus and I'll need your help.

But first I want to tell you why the Constitution is something that I value so dearly and why I'm making restoring it a central part of my campaign for the presidency.

I was raised in a household were the rule of law was treated as the most important issue facing a government (my father, Thomas Dodd, was a prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials). Every day, I carry with me a copy of the Constitution of United States, given to me twenty-six years ago by my colleague Robert Byrd. And yet today, I am running for President on a platform of restoring the Constitution. I had never dreamed that the day would come when a candidate for our nation's highest office would have to campaign on restoring the balance of powers, the rule of law set forth in our most cherished document. ... .. ... ..

We have an opportunity to pass legislation this week which will reverse one of the most damaging parts of the Military Commissions Act and put us on a path towards restoring the Constitution.

We'll start at the top: restoring habeas corpus. This week's debate on the Defense Authorization bill will include a vote on the Leahy-Specter-Dodd Habeas Corpus Restoration Act as an amendment.

Congress will need to hear your voices as this debate takes place. I'll keep fighting, but Senator Leahy and I need you by our side. Sign up to be a citizen co-sponsor of the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.

Go to, add your name to the list of Americans who want their Constitution back, and tell your family, friends, and neighbors to do the same. You can also call my colleagues in the Senate and tell your Senators that you want them to vote to restore habeas. The Senate switchboard is (202) 224-3121. ... ..

Senator Chris Dodd
Democratic candidate for president

You can read the rest of candidate Dodd's post, which fully explains his goals.

Oh, and one more thing. Chris Dodd will need your help to get the job done.

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