Mitch McConnell Stiffs League of Women Voters

There's only one reason a veteran politician blows off a debate. McConnell is trying to hold on and he's chicken to face Lunsford for fear he'll further illustrate he's way out of touch.
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McCain only threatened to skip a debate.

Mitch McConnell took a page from McCain's playbook, then did him one better. He simply ducked out... more than once, in fact. Is this any way for the Senate Minority "Leader" to behave?

But dissing the League of Women Voters? Stiffing them in a year when the women's vote is so critical? It seems beyond tone deaf. In a year where the first woman ever to run on a Republican national ticket breaks through, McConnell turns up a cad.

It's as out of touch as when McConnell channeled McCain on the economy. When after the catastrophic Wall Street collapse Mitch said it was really only an "economic slowdown."

"There's no question we are having an economic slowdown right now," McConnell said. "It is simply not in debate, and how serious it gets remains to be seen." - [Northern Kentucky Enquirer, 9/16/08]

"McConnell admits the economy is in bad shape, but says Democrats lack the remedy and will in fact do more damage by carrying the unions' water on bashing and dismantling trade agreements. 'There's no question we are having an economic slowdown,' he said." [National Journal's CongressDaily, 9/26/08]

"RACHEL PLATT: Let me ask you first and foremost, number one issue everyone would agree, do you, the economy? MCCONNELL: Yeah I think the economy is a big issue; we're obviously having an economic slowdown. People are concerned about it." [WHAS, 10/15/08]

Stunning. Maybe Mitch is afraid he'll have to explain those remarks. Especially with the Wall Street Journal saying things like "Worst Crisis Since '30s, With No End Yet in Sight."

After McConnell decided to duck the debate with Bruce Lunsford, the LWV was told McConnell was basically too busy.

"Exposing voters to a rigorous debate of the critical issues facing this nation today is a cornerstone of the democratic election process in America. It is regrettable that Sen. McConnell has chosen to deny Kentuckians that opportunity by declining this statewide broadcast opportunity," said League president Teena Halbig, in announcing that the league's debate had been canceled.

So on Monday, at the KET venue, it was just Lunsford: Appearing alone in front of two question-wielding journalists and TV cameras, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Bruce Lunsford chastised Republican U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell for not debating in what he called "the big race" in the state.

Roll Call had a piece on it entitled "McConnell Ditches Debate." (Link no longer working.)

There's only one reason a veteran politician blows off a debate. McConnell is trying to hold on and he's chicken to face Lunsford for fear he'll further illustrate he's way out of touch. Anyone saying we're only in an "economic slowdown" has reason to worry. McConnell obviously can't prove to voters why he's earned the right to keep his job.

But stiffing the League of Women Voters?

Hey Mitch. What's got you so scared? Maybe it's the fact that Kentuckians have you figured out.

bwak... bwak... bwak.

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