6 Steps for Executive Leaders to Develop and Achieve Their Vision

Do you have a compelling vision that sets you apart in your industry? If not, take a few minutes to write down your dream for your organization. If you have a vision, what evidence shows that your employees are behind it?
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2014-08-20-Executive_Vision_shutterstock_834984372300x223.jpgIf you want to stay ahead of competitors, having a compelling vision of where you want to go is a required step. The more clearly you can articulate the vision, the easier it will be for others to get excited about it and help you get there.

Many executive leaders have a vision, but either it isn't articulated or the executive has no idea how to articulate it to employees in a way that helps them engage, get excited and help the vision become a reality.

Or you had a vision to start or progress your business, but time slips by and you haven't revisited it for years. If that is the case, it likely needs to be updated or totally re-created in order to excite you and your employees to achieve a competitive position in the market.

In working with executives, it isn't uncommon for a leader to have no stated vision. When interviewing employees about an organization's vision statement, typically they have no idea what the organization's vision is. Or worse yet, they make it up. Just like it is easier to get to a destination if we know where we want to go, it is imperative for organizations today to have a compelling vision.

Without a vision, the people perish, is clearly true, in my experience. When there is not a vision, the organization risks becoming stagnant and employees are hired to have a job instead of a purposeful part in fulfilling the organization's dream. When there is a compelling vision, every employee gets excited and is able to see their role in making it happen. Dare to dream big and inspire your employees to join you in your visions! The consequence of your joined activity brings an enthusiasm that benefits everyone.

Transform your organization with a compelling vision as the first step. Dream the impossible -- look at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and countless other examples of businesses who have dared to achieve the impossible and have done it.

There are 6 key steps to help you accomplish your vision

  1. Create the vision and document it
  2. Align your leadership team and your employees around it -- talk about it with them and engage them on their ideas that might make it happen
  3. Hire and keep only those people who agree with the vision and get excited about it
  4. Be purposeful in helping those who don't agree with it to find an exit strategy
  5. Stay focused on the vision until you achieve it
  6. Revisit it every year and make sure it is still where you want to go

A vision has a long life span over a course of many years. It is a future state for the organization, something that requires collective work to make it a reality. It is up to the executive leader to ensure that the required focus remains until the vision is achieved.

Do you have a compelling vision that sets you apart in your industry? If not, take a few minutes to write down your dream for your organization. If you have a vision, what evidence shows that your employees are behind it?

Do you have a planned strategy to achieve your vision? If not, why not take time right now to outline a plan?

This post first appeared on WallinEnterprises.com. Let's connect: LinkedIn | Twitter

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