The New Power Girls: Alicia Keys, NPG On The Vision

The New Power Girls: Alicia Keys, NPG On The Vision
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There's a small stack of Paperchase notebooks that tell the story of various business ideas I've had over the past few years, like blueprints of things I've built or wanted to build. Some have resulted into companies (like my current startup, 9), others are in process. A few have been left by the wayside -- good ideas I flirted with but in the end didn't think were a good mate. Entrepreneurs are a bit like architects -- instead of building houses and skyscrapers, we make ideas. Whether you're a designer, actress, restaurateur, aspiring serial entrepreneur (like myself!) or virtually any other ambitious type, turning a vision into reality requires one important step: Knowing the vision. It's something that I've noticed among the female -- and male -- founders I've met and known. They're aces at it.

"As a performer, musician, writer, producer I'm absolutely a business woman!" said the incredible Alicia Keys, who is about as Power Girl as it gets. "My #1 approach in managing the business side is to have a clear view of where I want to go, how I want to expand and focusing and recruiting things that help bring the vision to fruition."

Today's new modern women entrepreneurs know their vision -- from the big picture down to the small steps it takes to get there.

Keys is an awesome example. Her razor sharp sense of where she wants to go and what she wants to be has driven her to graduate as valedictorian at age 16, win an ocean of Grammy awards, best selling new artist and best selling R&B artist nods in 2001 and a bunch of other accomplishments. She recently partnered with American Express to host an amazing charity concert to benefit her charity, Keep A Child Alive, where AMEX card members were brought together to help raise funds and connect with her. Television and film appearances have garnered the as much attention, including a NAACP Image Award nomination. And like a true Power Girl she's only getting started - future plans include a new jewelry line and other endeavors.

She's among the new breed of women in business, joining a growing 10 million women in America. It's women pushing the envelope, women blazing the trails, inventing and reinventing categories, breaking glass ceilings -- and most of all, serving as an example of all the female gender can become and what talent and hard work can create. From modern business pioneers like Oprah Winfrey and Barbra Walters before us, to the many women we've featured in the New Power Girls series to Alicia herself. Women today bring it in business and we are just getting started.

"I've always been very focused, driven," added Keys.

The number one secret to success? It starts with the vision. Power Girls are about it.

Hear what Meghan and I have to say about knowing your vision on

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