Creepy Obama Worship: Pelosi's Adulation

With the media leading the charge, Americans have been effectively brainwashed and duped into believing that this president has the goods to lead this country and can "hope and change" (as he would put it) our country into something better.
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From the time when Chris Matthews gave us his monstrously effete statement that he "felt a thrill going up my leg" about Barrack Obama's supposedly superior oratorical skills (he can barely talk without his omnipresent teleprompter, we all know by now), the American Left Media has been fawning over, lobbing softball questions at and having a huge love affair with Obama. It's similar to the one they had with Clinton but more sickening in its syrupiness.

Even Bill O'Reilly fell prey to this.

With the media leading the charge, Americans have been effectively brainwashed and duped into believing that this president has the goods to lead this country and can "hope and change" (as he would put it) our country into something better. Therein lies the problem: this country is great not because of the Democrats and Obama, as Chris Matthews wants us to believe, but in spite of them. This applies to the Republicans too.

Besides the media, we've got Reid and Pelosi bringing up the rear to make sure nobody gets any ideas about disagreeing with their Narcissist-in-Chief, much less not liking him. That would not be tolerated by the Dishonorable Duo.

In many respects, Pelosi has taken the public lead on the Obama Support Squad. She's pulled the wool over Americans' eyes for passing ObamaCare (the nutty but still stunningly condescending con-job of "we have to pass it so that you can see what's in it" or "you can leave your job because you have healthcare" when there's almost 10% unemployment). She has been the perfect shill for this President at every turn.

To add to Pelosi's hypocrisy, whenever she fights for the common woman or tries to make herself out that she understands the daily dilemmas of the middle-class, we remember that Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress (net worth: $35 million). Yeah sure, she understands what it's like to wonder how you'll fill up your work truck with gasoline for tomorrow.

Will no Liberals admit to feeling a bit queasy on hearing the "have to pass it" quote from this loony lady who was running Congress? (See below for "Pelosi: Dumber Than Soap" and "Nancy Pelosi's Greatest Hits").

And Liberals bellowed for more than eight years about Bush being stupid? Closely examine this Dem dimwit!!

With all the wide-eyed zaniness she could muster, Pelosi also contributed this winner, saying that "nobody can out-debate" Obama.

America has suffered under this half-baked former Speaker turned Minority Leader and she continues to chip away at the Constitution and support her failed president. (I don't have the time or interest to debunk "Dirty Harry" Reid right now but will in another column.)

To sum up, America is great because of Americans, not because of our politicians or elected officials -- merely 'public servants' who should stay that way and be happy that way. Not because of self-aggrandizing, lying, arrogant, immoral politicians. Whenever the Roman or Greek or Ottoman leaders became more important than their citizens, the writing was on the wall and their demise was imminent and dispatched swiftly.

FDR, Kennedy, Clinton and now Obama. Why does the Democratic Party insist on lionizing these civil servants? Exalting and glorifying these flawed men while Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln are ignored seems shamelessly self-serving. They weren't such "great men" (as so many have said) and certainly no better or possessing any more integrity than the hotdog vendor on the corner, the construction worker building a new World Trade Center or the housewife and mother raising the next generation of inventors, teachers or politicians.

America must get back to basics. We need to ignore the status quo of 'think political' and think differently. No more should lawyers be eligible for this office, since the record proves they've done a particularly bad job at it. Here's a novel idea: elect a farmer president. At least then, we won't have a professional prevaricator, by which I mean lawyer, in the Oval Office (and yes, this is hard for me to say, coming from a long line of lawyers).

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