Another Question for 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

Another Question for 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists
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Since my last post on this topic I have been looking over some of the material out there--kinda gingerly, I must confess, it's a giant hairball of conflicting scenarios. But another obvious question did occur to me:

If 9/11 was a US powers-that-be conspiracy to create another Pearl Harbor so the US could take over the Middle East--then why did they bring down Building 7 at all?

I mean, what a fantastic risk to take, given that no plane hit the building.

Did the collapse of that building add one iota to the propaganda value of the event? Did the people of America bond with Bush around the rallying cry "Remember Building 7!"

Obviously not. So what was the point?

Along with the failure to plant a few WMDs in Iraq (which would have been child's play compared to 9/11), the collapse of Building 7 ranks high on my list of reasons not to believe in that theory.

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