Supt. McCarthy Should Be Fired!

Supt. McCarthy Should Be Fired!
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The recent uptick in violence over the Fourth of July Weekend should serve as
a wake up call for Mayor Rahm Emanuel to fire Supt. McCarthy immediately or provide him with the option to step down from his position as Superintendent of
the Chicago Police Department. Supt. McCarthy hit Chicago like a bolt of lightning and years later he turned into a drizzle of rain. There is no way in the
world that Supt. McCarthy should keep his position considering all of his violence reduction strategies have failed in Chicago. You can only say the same
thing over and over again so many times. It's the guns, no the gangs, the gun laws, the drugs, it's a plane, no its Supt. McCarthy, and many more excuses.
The bottom line is Supt. McCarthy is way out of his element in Chicago.

Do not get me wrong because everybody knows that the Superintendent can only do so much, but McCarthy was upfront about his strategies and claimed that
they would work in Chicago. Now, we all have to go back to the drawing board to really get a handle on the escalating violence problem in Chicago. The
legal gun owners are not the problem in Chicago. It's all about the illegal gun market and the Chicago Police Department should focus on intercepting as
many illegal guns as possible to help stem the tide of violence.

Additionally, Supt. McCarthy knocked a lot of Public Health Programs that were
validated by independent studies as proven models that work in Chicago. You cannot arrest your way out of an epidemic. Violence has taken on the form of an
infectious disease that spreads from one person to the next. You shoot my friend and I will shoot your friend. This is an everyday struggle in Chicago and
across the nation. Stricter gun laws will not change people's mindsets in the inner city because some young people just don't care about consequences.

It appears that everybody is scared to speak up about Supt. McCarthy and his lackluster performance in Chicago. What is the real problem? Where are the
Aldermen? Are people afraid that they will fall out of favor with the Mayor? The Mayor probably would like to hear from some of his closest allies that do
not mind telling him the truth. It's time to let go of McCarthy before its way too late to recover in Chicago. Some people may think this story is personal
but this story is far from personal because when big shots come into a community from a distant place and act as if they have all of the answers or
solutions based on their experiences somewhere else then the art of not listening comes into play. Supt. McCarthy's biggest struggle is not having the
ability to listen to others that have worked in the field of violence prevention from a law enforcement point of view along with a community point of view.
Chicago is a tough terrain to deal with and the winds of change can blow most people away.

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