I'm thankful for the Short Bus Soundtrack

While the Short Bus Soundtrack may not be at the top of many people's list, it deserves to be mentioned 'cause it's so damn good.
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I am thankful for many things, my wise and beautiful children, the end of the dinosaur age in the House and Senate, and I'm thankful too that people finally seem to be waking up to the serious dangers of climate change. Lots of work to do there but lots to be thankful for. Tons.

And while the Short Bus Soundtrack may not be at the top of many people's list, it deserves to be mentioned 'cause it's so damn good. As far as soundtracks go, it reminds me of the collection in "Something Wild" which held a lot of the same life-affirming joy. There's a Scott Matthew tune on it that sounds like great Bowie, there's a nice little Yo La Tengo tune, there's a fun debauched pop ditty by Jay Brannan, and a mess of other lovely, cool music.

Life is good and as far as I know we only get one. So just turn it up and pass the gravy.

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