12 Days of Dragmas

To complete the drag look, a queen needs jewelry: big, sparkly jewelry to be exact. So once again find out whom your drag queen orders their jewelry from, and order a piece of two. If your favorite drag queen is new, ask around for some suggestions and place an order.
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It's the holidays, a time for family, friends, good tidings and let's be honest gifts. If you are reading this post you, more than likely, have a Drag Queen you will need a gift for. So I thought I would put together and 12 Days of Dragmas gift list for the Drag Queen(s) in your life.

1. A Fabric Store Gift Card -- Every queen needs costumes and these costumes can add up quickly. So why not help them out and give them a gift card to their local fabric store. This way after the holidays they can make a trip and purchase some of their favorite fabrics and start the New Year off with some new looks.

2. MAC gift card or product -- Drag queens need make-up and make-up brushes so head over to your local MAC store, and get them either some brushes and/or make-up! If you don't know what they need or use then just go with a gift card -- this way they can purchase whatever is needed.

3. Pageant DVDs -- If you have a competing drag queen in your life then purchase them any available DVDS from the previous year of whatever pageant system they are interested in competing in. Even if they are planning on competing, these DVDs are fantastic for inspiration.

4. Gift Card to Local Beauty Supply Store -- As I have said before, drag is not cheap, and I'm not even talking about the big purchases like costume, wigs and jewelry. Even the little items like hairspray, fake nails, baby wipes, etc. add up. So why not give them a gift card to their local beauty supply store? This will allow them to stock up on essentials.

5. Wig(s) -- Drag queens need wigs and what better gift than a new wig for the New Year. Find out who your queen orders their wigs from and place and order.

6. Jewelry -- To complete the drag look, a queen needs jewelry: big, sparkly jewelry to be exact. So once again find out whom your drag queen orders their jewelry from, and order a piece of two. If your favorite drag queen is new, ask around for some suggestions and place an order.

7. iTunes gift card -- Can't have a drag performance without music. So give them an iTunes gift card, and allow them to find some new fun songs for numbers.

8. DVD Set of RuPaul's Drag Race -- I don't know one queen who wouldn't enjoy all five seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race. Even if they aren't a fan of the show they'll enjoy the drama the show provides.

9. Photo Shoot -- Every drag queen enjoys having their photo taken. So find a local photographer friend to do a photo shoot for your queen. Have everything set up so all you have to do is provide the date and time.

10. Massage -- Drag is hard on a queen's body. So why not give them a day of pampering with a massage.

11. Trip for a new costume fitting (pre-ordered and made) -- If your drag queen is anything like Vivian she'll love a trip to pick up a new costume that you have already ordered and paid for. Just find out who they use and arrange everything.

12. Shoes -- Queens love shoes so get them a pair or two. If you don't know their size, then get them a gift card to a shoe store that carry larger sizes. If you don't know of one ask around.

If you can't afford a gift for your favorite drag queen or don't know them well enough to give a gift, then why not a simple 'Thank You' note? Drag queens give so much of themselves through the year and the holidays is the perfect time of year to give back to them and just say "Thank You."

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