Scotty's Landing Ouster Has People Furious

Scotty's Landing Ouster Has People Furious
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There's a war going on in Coconut Grove and it involves a venerable favorite place - Scotty's Landing on the waterfront. This week it was reported that the city has finally given the current owners their notice so that the new mega developer can take over the restaurant who will eventually knock it down and put in a large chrome and glass structure, that many call the "mall on the water." The quaint Coconut Grove waterfront will never be the same. The last semblance of the "old Grove" and old Florida may soon be gone. People are beside themselves.

The Scotty's Landing news, which I posted the other day, has hit a nerve and it just might sway the District 2 Commission elections in the fall. The news of Scotty's changing hands has upset many even though I explained that Scotty's was not closing and it's just a shift of ownership. Grove Bay Investment Group will take it over in 60 days, but people are angry.

Quite a few people have told me that people are blaming the Sarnoff's for the whole debacle of selling out the Grove, secret RFPs, business with friends, etc. Marc Sarnoff is the current district City Commissioner and his wife Teresa is running for the office now that he is termed out. They want to hold on to their heavy handed fiefdom, but it looks like people have had it with them. Too much of Coconut Grove has been sold out to developers and the cherished waterfront is the final straw.

The majority of Coconut Grove voters voted against the project on the water when it was up for election. And the vote only passed because it was a city-wide vote, with all of Miami voting and people who probably never stepped foot in Coconut Grove had a say in what goes on at our waterfront. But what's interesting about this turn of events is that people from all over the county are furious, and many from outside the state, too. They are talking about excessive greed and not wanting change any more in the Grove. Wish they had spoken up over the years, as we have lost so much of the character and charm, but it's heartwarming to see how people feel about Coconut Grove. I think people have finally had enough.

Our readership numbers on these stories are through the roof which proves how this has touched people. Both Scotty's Landing stories received thousands of views, and the stories posted on Facebook were shared over 200 times! People are riled up. Local cities and communities, activists, citizens, all have shared the posts. TV news and newspapers have picked up the story and reported it.

Some comments include: "Whatever they plan to build there will be overkill and mega concrete." "So sad how this city is run." "Anything to add more cement." "Greed destroying more of South Florida." " So sad ... a Grove landmark loosing against power of money for development of mega projects .. Scary how will our cities look like for our children?" And it goes on and on.

Local activist Charles Corda confirmed it in an email. He says that all of a sudden, people started signing the Stop Grove Harbour petition, which has expired already.

It is still in the courts and there is still hope that the project will be voted down.

Part of Charles' email says the following:

"There is much we can do to prevent this type of abuse of power and privilege in the future. It is contingent upon us to VOTE in the coming November election. We must be sure that Sarnoff - this time his wife Teresa Sarnoff- does not get to continue the ill conceived and damaging policies of her husband.

Over the next few months I will be addressing Sarnoff's horrendous legacy and consistent violation of the public trust, in a series of emails that look very carefully at his claims and what he has actually done to benefit his financial supporters while simultaneously lowering our quality of life .

Miami will not survive four more years of Sarnoff.

Coconut Grove will not survive four more years of Sarnoff."

But the Sarnoff's have been giving out dog leashes with their name on it and dog lovers all over the Grove like it. That seems to be what was important according to word on the street. But now the tide may be turning. Scotty's Landing and Grove Harbour may be their downfall and not just Grovites are upset this time.

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