
The California city is the first major U.S. city to ban government use of the technology.
Members of the city’s board of supervisors advanced an ordinance saying such technology “will exacerbate racial injustice.”
Has the attorney general come to the belief that "court-ordered electronic surveillance is spying?" the former FBI director said. "Wow."
The White House wants to crack down on fraud as applications for Social Security disability are plunging.
AI is increasingly common, and the algorithms it uses to "predict" crime and misbehavior are reproducing racial discrimination.
You can’t teach your kid to value consent while simultaneously violating theirs.
Alexa! Don't share my personal information with everybody!
Is there any privacy left, let alone a right to privacy?
The videos, which show blurry scenes of students running and police officers scanning the grounds, don't provide much information.
Black protest is, and always has been, a target of government policing. With Dr. King, it was no different.