2020 census

Democrats failed to flip GOP-controlled state legislatures where the critical decennial redistricting battles will take place after the 2020 census.
Our editors have picked some of your most thought-provoking comments from last week’s top stories.
The judges prohibited Wilbur Ross from excluding people in the country illegally when handing in 2020 census figures.
Critics say the White House is out to undercount certain populations.
Kate Brown said the Trump administration's decision to pull 2020 census takers out of the field sooner will leave communities of color behind.
It takes place every 10 years, and participating is easier than ever.
Paid for by the U.S. Census Bureau
"Feeling like you’re the 'other' and trapped between two worlds is something countless Iranian Americans and Middle Easterners have experienced."
Pagado por el Oficina del Censo
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