
The justices are scheduled to meet for a private conference Friday, where they could talk about the issue.
A proposed Department of Health and Human Services rule could hinder GOP efforts to restrict out-of-state abortion travel.
The prospect of a liberal majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court has prompted unprecedented spending and national attention.
Members of the coalition said they're "pledging to work together to strengthen abortion firewalls across America."
Politicians have treated Native communities like pawns in an attempt to control their reproductive health outcomes.
"You are promoting an ancient religious rite called human sacrifice," the Fox News host said during an anti-abortion rant.
The letter comes just a month after the Food and Drug Administration said abortion pills can be offered at retail pharmacies.
Democrats capitalized on abortion rights in the midterms, but Graham remains confident that the country is with him.
The stunning result came in a state that reelected anti-choice Sen. Rand Paul (R) by a large margin ― but rejected a measure that opposed abortion rights.
The Republican candidate for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania made the comments during a debate against Democratic rival John Fetterman.