abu bakr al baghdadi

In the graphic account of the so-called Islamic State leader's death, the president described him as having been "whimpering and crying and screaming.”
President Trump said he didn't alert "some" congressional leaders ahead of the U.S. operation that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The headline on the obituary for the leader of the so-called Islamic State has since been changed, but critics are outraged.
His death is a major blow, but the extremist group has survived the loss of previous leaders and military setbacks.
"He died like a dog," President Trump said during a news conference announcing the extremist leader's death.
There have been multiple reports that al-Baghdadi was either killed or seriously wounded in the years since his last appearance.
The airstrike targeted a meeting of ISIS leaders and was carried out on May 28.
al-Baghdadi called for his fighters to “turn the nights of the unbelievers into days, to wreck havoc in their land and make their blood flow as rivers.”
Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, also known as Haji Iman and Abu Alaa al-Afri, was a veteran jihadist with a bounty of $7 million on his head.