Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

The organization behind the Oscars requires that films in its International Feature category have scripts that are mostly not in English.
Hollywood has battled over the rise of streaming platforms, with some filmmakers proposing greater awards criteria for movies not released widely in theaters.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences kicked out the director, along with Bill Cosby, last year.
Hollywood's biggest night is undergoing an identity crisis, just like the entire country.
What film has this plot: Half of the universe died.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences expelled Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski for failing to live up to its “ethical standards.”
However, Polanski will keep his Oscar for the 2002 movie "The Pianist."
Two women have previously accused the actor of sexual harassment.
"It’s time to end the whitewashing and put Latinos in front of and behind the camera.”
The academy booted Weinstein, once an Oscar kingmaker, following sexual assault allegations.