
Mindful breathing is simple practice that can encourage self-awareness. Learn how to utilize the technique with these easy tips.
Walking is an active form of meditation that can be done anytime. Here’s how to shift your perspective to take advantage of the technique.
Tea rituals can remind us of the beauty and uniqueness of the present moment. Here’s how to make your next cup of tea more mindful.
Learn how to turn your everyday showers into mindfulness moments with these easy tips.
Inversions include any pose in which your head is below your heart. Here’s why taking a moment to perform them can create a sense of balance and peace.
Muscle relaxation meditation is an easy way to take a moment for yourself. Learn how to perform the technique here.
Body scanning is a healing form of meditation that can be done at any time and anywhere. Take a moment to perform it using these simple steps.
No particular location required. 😌
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Stretching is a great way to take a moment for yourself. Learn more about this mindful technique and how you can incorporate it into your life.
Journaling is a powerful tool for reflection and growth. Learn more about its many benefits in this mindful moment.