african americans

An effort to make up for decades of discriminatory policies is moving ahead in the North Carolina city.
Just .05% of all the people who have ever served in the Senate were Black.
Join us for an event celebrating Black America and help make the future count.
Just 14% of respondents said they are "very happy," down sharply from 2018.
"A powerful binary choice guided my journey: 'You can only be one of two things ― a credit to the race or a disgrace to the race.'”
"Could it just be that African Americans or the colored population do not wash their hands as well as other groups?" asked Ohio state Sen. Steve Huffman.
The NBA star has assembled a group of Black athletes and celebs to help him inspire African-Americans to vote.
"I am a parent, and it just came from my heart,” said founder Jennifer Moss.
Renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson, who has pivoted to help his community, speaks about the current state of the food industry and the status of African Americans.
Global outrage at the killing of George Floyd expresses the abiding international conviction that the U.S.’ self-promoted image is at odds with its reality.