
"It's a good time to be a farmer," the president declared Thursday.
Although slave labor created the economic basis of U.S. agriculture, the long-term effects of racism and systemic discrimination from U.S. Department of Agriculture programs continue to sideline African American farmers from land ownership.
At least nine states have enacted or considered a “right to farm” this year.
The president falsely claims that tariffs are paid "directly" to the U.S. Treasury by China and indicates these nonexistent Chinese funds will cover the subsidy cost.
The challenge: convincing students that there is more to agriculture than farming.
Saving plants and animals from extinction isn't just our duty, it's our salvation.
Farmers already are struggling with years of falling incomes, and more of them are seeking mental healthcare than before.
“I think we’ve not only got to have that moratorium, but we have to go further... We have to start breaking them up."
As Democratic presidential candidates look to make a headstart with heartland voters, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-V.T.) met with HuffPost in Iowa to outline his vision for rural America.
Between 1992 and 2012, almost 31 million acres of farm and ranch land have been taken out of production across America.