ahmed mohamed

Totally chill, no-worries security formalities before he visits POTUS.
"I thought I was just going to be another victim of injustice."
The budding engineer is exactly the "kind of student we want at places like MIT," said astrophysicist Chanda Prescod-Weinstein.
"Ahmed is working hard and being creative. It’s a shame that a boy is faced with such injustice in America."
Ahmed Mohamed is still suspended over his clock, but he said he plans to change schools anyway.
"To the best of my knowledge, they followed protocol," the mayor said.
Participants in the second-tier debate deflected a question about balancing vigilance with discrimination.
And we should give them the freedom to tinker.
"It's clear that at least some of Ahmed's teachers failed him."
The tech leader said Ahmed Mohamed's actions "should lead to applause, not arrest."