american football

The league says Sunday's scheduled game will be played either Monday or Tuesday.
Three Titans players, 5 personnel test positive for the virus as the team and the Minnesota Vikings also shut down facilities.
The star running back played just seven seasons but his electric style made him an all-time great.
The 49ers' Kyle Shanahan and Broncos' Vic Fangio were also penalized for violating coronavirus protocols.
Football players in the once-reluctant league protested against racism and police brutality by kneeling, raising fists or staying off the field for the national anthems.
Holtz spent 34 years coaching both college and professional football teams and accused Joe Biden of being Catholic "in name only" at this year's RNC.
The pandemic dealt another blow to the sports world after the conference's presidents voted to not play this fall.
He is the second NFL head coach known to have contracted the coronavirus.
Prominent sponsors asked the NFL franchise to retire the "racist" term.
Attorneys for both men on Friday said that witnesses have signed affidavits maintaining that the two NFL players took no part in the alleged armed robbery.