amnesty international

In the fight against other forms of revenge porn, legislation has been slow, but strides have been made.
Teodora Vasquez has already spent 10 years in jail after having pregnancy complications.
Amnesty International accuses European governments of complicity in Libya's corrupt system.
"They are now some of the most vulnerable refugees," advocates say.
The human rights group is calling for a criminal investigation of the oil giant.
Rohingyas have endured decades of systematic discrimination by successive governments in Rakhine State.
More than 600,000 persecuted Muslims have fled Myanmar in just two months.
More than 530,000 Rohingyas have fled the country in less than two months.
At least 33 people have been arrested since Sept. 23.
Humanitarian leaders are not satisfied with Aung San Suu Kyi’s response to the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar.