Animal Uprising

“They don’t let you out of your house,” one resident of Woburn, Massachusetts, told The Guardian.
After crashing into a storefront, a runaway alleged drunk driver was pursued by the chef and relentlessly pecked by the fleet-footed bird.
Freya is quickly becoming an international icon, but the stress of fame has become bothersome for her.
The kangaroo's Louisiana owners could reportedly face charges if they don't give up the marsupial.
And that's why you never belly-flop without looking first.
A hefty black bear has caused "extensive" damage in a wealthy neighborhood of South Lake Tahoe. Now his fate is on the line.
Haters will call it stealing, but scientists call it innovating.
The otters were trying to defend themselves after a jogger stepped on one of them, but they got the wrong guy.
The palm-sized Joro spiders may look freaky, but they're not dangerous and even provide some big benefits.