Anti-abortion movement

A number of anti-abortion politicians and activist groups see their goal of ending nationwide abortion rights in sight.
The case concerned a law that would leave the state with just one abortion provider.
Seven towns that passed measures banning reproductive rights groups from operating within their jurisdictions have changed course in response to a lawsuit.
In defiance of stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines, protesters continue to harass patients at abortion clinics.
The revelation from Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade, is a reminder of the most powerful asset of the anti-abortion movement: money.
The activists settled a lawsuit against the city of Detroit and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer allowing them to protest outside the Scotsdale Women’s Center.
Why did so many pro-choice advocates support the former New York City mayor when he was working against their goals?
Critics said Trump's move was “a desperate attempt to divert attention from his criminal presidency."
The measures expand who can provide abortions and when insurance must cover the procedure. Anti-abortion groups failed in a bid to repeal them.
Facing the veto pen of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, anti-abortion rights groups in Michigan have an unusual back-up plan.