asa hutchinson

Jim Hendren’s announcement closes the door on him seeking the GOP nomination for governor in 2022, but he hasn’t ruled out running as an independent.
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the president should be "truthful" and "realistic" about the COVID-19 crisis.
With states reopening, workers who had been staying home to avoid the coronavirus will no longer be eligible for unemployment, forcing a choice between health and livelihood.
Asa Hutchinson said people can’t “cloister” themselves at home and that handling the epidemic is a matter of practicing self-discipline and testing.
There's a plague outside, but some states think it's urgently necessary for people to go to work.
The groups want to block the ban from going into effect on July 24 while a judge reviews the law's constitutionality.
Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed a law restricting abortions after 18 weeks of pregnancy.
"Female meteorologists aren’t 'weather ladies.' We are scientists."