
Young Alessandro Breda kept his cool throughout the nerve-racking encounter.
The man and the bear were "doing fine," the circus manager said after the animal was kicked and subdued with a stun gun.
The wedding photographer said the uninvited guest "jacked my heart rate up to Jesus" when she noticed it behind the bride and groom.
George Ann Field told reporters, “I don’t think I’ve ever been that strong, and I whacked that bear as hard as I could, both hands."
Run into the forest! Run! A sneaky bear got caught by police trashing an unlocked car.
The superstar quarterback was gobsmacked by nature in Montana.
A bear had the perfect summer afternoon. It swam in a jacuzzi, sipped on a margarita and topped it off with a nap in the shade.
The creature was dragging the girl away when it heard her mother scream.