Ben Sasse

As the 2020 election winds down, members of President Donald Trump’s own party are speaking out against him.
After years of dodging questions and pretending not to read his tweets, some GOP senators are speaking out against Trump as Election Day draws near.
The president is making late reelection pleas to voters in Michigan and Wisconsin, two states he won in 2016, but now could be out of his reach.
After GOP Sen. Ben Sasse was recorded unloading on Trump, Woodward said other Republican senators "feel exactly the same way."
The Nebraskan said Trump secretly mocks evangelicals, mistreats women, "sells out our allies" and has "flirted with white supremacists."
Nebraska's Ben Sasse comes after Trump again after blasting his executive actions as "unconstitutional slop."
The pandemic dealt another blow to the sports world after the conference's presidents voted to not play this fall.
Some GOP senators who supported lowering the unemployment benefits in the coronavirus rescue package aren't mentioning that to their constituents.
Sen. Lindsey Graham said “very few people would choose work over unemployment benefits that provided moderately more money.”
GOP lawmakers mostly had unfettered praise for Trump amid concerns of a dangerous escalation in U.S.-Iranian hostilities.