Big lie

The president will push Democrats’ voting rights bill in Congress while accusing Republicans of basing new voting limits in the states on Trump’s election lies.
According to The New York Times, failed ex-President Donald Trump has been telling people that he’ll be back in office come August.
County weighs defamation suit after Cyber Ninjas auditors claim a database was destroyed. County officials say they were simply too inept to find it.
Liz Cheney called on Fox News to denounce former President Donald Trump’s election lies, saying the network has an “obligation” to do so.
The House Republican leader gets blasted after attempting to redefine "free thought."
“I was wrong about Ted Cruz.” Sen. Ted Cruz’s former running mate, Carly Fiorina, criticized her former ally for selling out to Donald Trump.
"The GOP has attempted to rebrand itself as a populist pro-workers party, but it's all a giant fraud.'
A Fox News appearance by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) ends with laughter about trying to destroy American democracy for personal gain.
Republican Mo Brooks of Alabama accuses Democrats of using "big lie" propaganda. Hitler had accused the Jews of employing that tactic.