black voters

We talked to dozens of residents of Columbia, South Carolina, about the importance of voting rights 150 years after the 15th Amendment's ratification.
Due to racial gerrymandering and voter suppression, Black voters in the South have to jump through hoops to cast ballots and demand fair representation in their government.
At the Democratic debate in Iowa, Pete Buttigieg was asked why his polling with Black voters hasn't improved after a year of campaigning.
A number of Black officials in South Carolina said their support for Mayor Pete Buttigieg's presidential campaign has been overstated or misstated completely.
The Democratic presidential candidate has convinced activists of color she's serious. Can she translate that enthusiasm to the broader black electorate?
A South Carolina rally offered a glimpse of the Vermont senator’s efforts to court black voters and reverse his fortunes in the key early primary state.
The Vermont senator is diversifying his staff, talking about his civil rights activism and putting more emphasis on anti-racist policies.
The suit says the lack of early voting is illegal because nearby cities with more white people and fewer young people have more locations.
Officials in majority-black Randolph County lack the data to back a proposal to shutter most voting spots.
Despite voter suppression, the black community played a major part in Doug Jones' victory.