
“I want to keep my job so I’m not going to say anything."
The shoes, which resemble blackface caricatures, are no longer available on the store’s website.
Many prominent politicians and entertainers have worn blackface. The racist practice isn’t new.
The Washington Post reported in 1992 that Richard Cullen was a member of the Country Club of Virginia, which did not have a black member until that year.
Gov. Northam made a shaky start to his rehabilitation tour when he seemingly mixed up slaves with servants.
The 2020 presidential said people need to "extend grace" to those we talk to about racism, even if they're asking about their own bigotry.
The embattled Democrat tells CBS his background as a doctor gives him the right credentials to help his state "heal."
"What if blackface was part of your costume as a black person?" asks one.
Facing a blackface scandal, the governor has started reading Ta-Nehisi Coates.