
Leigh Blickley joins Mike to discuss Heidi Klum's sideboob-revealing dress.
Ah, breasts. Has ever a body part been so celebrated in art, in literature and in daily life? We've got hundreds of words to describe them; people have composed songs about them; and for better or worse, an entire industry has even cropped up around their augmentation.
There is an unspoken, mostly unconscious rule of thumb that goes on between female friends each time they share an affectionate hug: Where to place your boobs.
I wish I could say my decision to go bra-less was a political one, a hedge against the Victoria's Secret-corporate-industrial complex. It was not.
Why are heterosexual men so fascinated by women's breasts that we sometimes act as if the breasts are the seat of the soul?
One of the perks of writing about sex is that when you disclose this information at cocktail parties, people tend to confess scandalous tidbits, and in this case, very useful information.