Build Back Better

"These aren’t just bills or budgets to me," said the first lady, who teaches English at a community college.
Advocates and early childhood experts around the country want more government action, but not the kind some Republicans are offering.
They urged Sen. Joe Manchin to back the credit, which he has refused to do.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) called the Build Back Better Act "dead" but suggested he could still support parts of it.
Seems like the same stumbling blocks remain.
The West Virginia Democrat once again refused to say whether he would support a child tax credit extension.
They’re looking for a version of the legislation that could win support from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
A landmark policy that slashed child poverty has been put on hold while Democrats try to figure out what to do.
Prioritizing certain initiatives over others is hard, but that could be what it takes to save Build Back Better.
It’s difficult to see how Democrats will get Manchin’s vote without a major overhaul of the Build Back Better Act, their social spending and climate bill.