central park five

"His power is his survival," the director said about the criminal justice reform activist who was portrayed in her Netflix limited series "When They See Us."
"If anyone spots her, just know you’re looking at the best mommie this girl could have," the director wrote on Twitter.
From Offset's impressive choreo to Lizzo's flute/twerk combo, the BET Awards had it all.
The men were honored at the ceremony and delivered a powerful message about truth.
The "When They See Us" director responded to the president, who stands by his call for the five falsely accused teenagers' execution in 1989.
The president once took out full-page ads calling for the execution of five teens who were later exonerated in the notorious 1989 rape case.
Elizabeth Lederer's resignation comes after students demanded she leave for her role in wrongfully convicting five black and Latino boys in the 1989 Central Park jogger case.
While the falsely accused men were honored this week, a publisher dropped one of the prosecutors from the botched case.
People are calling on retailers to pull books by the prosecutor-turned-author for her role in the infamous case.
A new miniseries will, by design, fill you with rage.