Child Abuse

The father pleaded not guilty to allegations he slipped a depressant into the smoothies of his child's 12-year-old friends.
Florida authorities arrested the last person who saw Madeline Soto after they found contents on his phone depicting criminal sexual acts that took place at the family home.
The victim's older brother found the body decomposing and covered in maggots.
A New Hampshire man has been convicted of second-degree murder in the death of Harmony Montgomery, who police believe was killed in 2019.
"My distorted version of reality went largely unchecked as I would isolate from anyone who challenged me."
The mother was taken into custody Friday morning and charged with kidnapping and child endangerment.
Investigators found multiple videos that depicted graphic abuse of the girl by three adults in her home.
A documentary series answers questions about whether a Ukrainian orphan was an adult pretending to be a child, as her adoptive parents had claimed.
Authorities said the boy's mother and stepfather allegedly locked him in his room and occasionally beat him.
The Utah mother of six known for her parenting vlog pleaded guilty Monday to four counts of aggravated child abuse.