child labor

In West Africa, rainfall has dropped, temperatures have risen and wildlife has dwindled in one of the most biodiverse forest habitats in the world. But there is a reason for hope.
"These children need this. They don't have anywhere else to go.” Only 55% of child farmworkers graduate from high school because many have no choice but to work in the fields. The East Coast Migrant Head Start Project is trying to change that.
Two certified "sustainable" Indonesian plantations, both linked to PepsiCo, allegedly exploited workers and turned a blind eye to child labor.
“I promised myself that whatever I could do to help other children not to suffer, I would do.”
Figures show "we are on the right track, but we are not still on the fast track."
“We get treated like garbage because there is no one to speak for us.”
It would help deal with issues related to child labor, slavery and marriage, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said.
President Barack Obama signed a law prohibiting imports of forced labor-produced goods.