
"At first, my parents chalked up our neighbors' peering eyes and hushed whispers to curiosity. But we soon learned there was something else going on."
"Kids movies really made me believe that the greatest threats on earth were dogcatchers and quicksand."
Having an entitled parent or parents can impact the way children experience the world as they grow up.
Jefferson County Schools announced the district's first snow day of the year in the most adorable way.
"I cringe at the very thought of hearing my mother's inevitably apocalyptic interpretation of our new reality... because I’m scared she’s right."
"My 8-year-old looked my mom dead in the eye and asked, 'How long do you think you'll live, Grandma?'"
"My 7yo sure says 'I’m not lying!' a lot for someone who is usually lying."
The former first lady gave a reminder to white people at the Obama Foundation Summit, “y’all were running from us, and you’re still running.”
"Something very deep inside me shifted then, and it never shifted back," the actor told Lena Dunham in a cover story for Harper's Bazaar.
I know summer camp would have been dreadful for me as a kid but as an adult, I can’t wait to go back.