
A state judicial commission has reprimanded McLennan County's Dianne Hensley for her stance.
The rapper has said he finds some of King Nebuchadnezzar's woes very relatable.
“The greatest artist that God has ever created is now working for him.” The rapper spoke at Pastor Joel Osteen’s megachurch in Houston.
On race, immigration, impeachment and other issues, white evangelicals continue to be at odds with most other American religious groups.
Don't say: “I’m sorry that happened to you, but that’s not what real Christianity is.”
The guy who made his own Noah's Ark is back with a plan to mess up Halloween.
They're still the majority, but the Pew Research Center report shows the U.S. is becoming a less explicitly Christian country.
More and more, figures in the White House are bringing God into state business.
21 years ago, Kirk Franklin released a single that forever changed my relationship with gospel, Christianity and social justice.
Tullian Tchividjian, Billy Graham's grandson, has launched a new church. But critics say he's misusing Christian teachings about God's grace to give himself a pass.