Circuit court

President Trump has been reshaping the federal courts with his record number of judicial confirmations.
You're the first Circuit Court nominee since 2006 to get this awful ABA rating? Yep, says Leonard Steven Grasz.
Four of Trump's nominees to lifetime court seats are getting votes this week. Democrats oppose all of them.
Trump has caved, fulfilling a central campaign promise to his white-nationalist base.
Not a single Republican opposed John Bush, who also mocked climate change and called for gagging Nancy Pelosi.
It's the latest development in a contentious legal battle over government-sponsored religion and prayer.
Dassey, who was featured in "Making a Murderer," is accused of taking part in the 2005 murder of photographer Teresa Halbach.
And people on both sides of the gun issue are likely to be unhappy.
A Hawaii case shows that not even "good hombres" are safe, Judge Stephen Reinhardt said.