civil war

“I don't want to go to a different country. I want to live in my country. Why am I forced to now leave my own home because of this racism and this fear?” Sondos al-Silwi is planning to move to Yemen so that she and her infant daughter can be with her husband. Why? Because of Trump’s Travel Ban.
Trump is supporting an “idol of white supremacy," said Robert E. Lee IV.
Flags are used to instill pride and hope, but for many people, the Mississippi flag represents oppression and terror.
White race hustlers made the North forget a history it should be proud of.
The monument has been vandalized at least twice before.
Students often get only a superficial view of the atrocity that built the country, a new study finds.
HuffPost spoke with 11 black gun owners to figure out what gun ownership means in a country determined to keep its black populace unarmed.
A statue of Confederate general and KKK leader Nathan Bedford Forrest came down first on Wednesday, just hours after the sale ordinance was signed.