
I am beyond thankful that infertility education is continuing to be in the spotlight. However, I believe, some of the messages being delivered by some are contributing to the loss of ourselves to this painful, difficult, long and oftentimes heartbreaking journey of infertility.
Sometimes the lies are to our patients. Sometimes, the lies are to our families. And sometimes the lies are to ourselves. But, nonetheless, we lie. A lot. Often daily. Want an inside scoop on the lies to look out for from your doctor?
A day doesn't go by that my students don't enlighten me with their genuine innocence or entertain me with their youthful ignorance.
My hope is that the G.R.A.C.E. model will help you to actualize compassion in your own life and that the impact of this will ripple out to benefit the people with whom you interact each day as well as countless others.