
It will be a historic step for a nation that has seen war, a palace massacre and devastating earthquakes since a campaign to create a modern state began more than 65 years ago.
The statue has been at Connellsville Area Junior High School since the 1950s.
A recent court ruling out of New Hampshire has ignited a debate on whether laws banning ballot selfies violate the Constitution.
The very amendment that conservatives want to "fix" stands as a shield against government-sanctioned discrimination.
As we witness yet again the brutal and bloody consequences of religious intolerance in the form of ISIS, we have a majority of Republicans pining for a Christian America. Proponents of converting the United States into a theocracy do not see the terrible parallel between religious excess in the Middle East and here at home.
Those who hold the belief that the 2nd Amendment gives them an individual right to take violent action have isolated Jefferson's "tree of liberty" quote in order to justify a radical ideology.