Conversion Therapy

Magali Rodriguez’s parents say they were in the dark about counseling sessions their daughter allegedly attended at the Los Angeles area high school.
The practice has been condemned by leading medical and mental health groups. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is standing behind it.
The judge argued that the Florida city didn't have the legal authority to ban therapy to change someone's sexual orientation or gender expression.
Many believe a pending federal lawsuit filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom could have greater implications for LGBTQ people if the ban isn't lifted.
McKrae Game, who founded South Carolina's Hope for Wholeness in 1999, has apologized for being "a religious zealot that hurt people."
Rafi Peretz's comments sparked widespread condemnation and protests in Tel Aviv.
Hundreds called for Rafi Peretz's resignation after he made the controversial remarks in a weekend interview.
LGBTQ activists say Dr. Joseph Nicolosi's books sought to give scientific credibility to the ex-gay movement.
The Family Research Council's president has supported gay "conversion" therapy and said Islam was "incompatible with the Constitution” in the past.