coral reefs

Exxon’s executives and their allies robbed us of a generation’s worth of action on climate.
The Queensland government has agreed to recommendations that will help the reef survive climate change.
Over the previous four months, my colleagues have documented nature collapsing under the sea and on land in Australia from rising temperatures.
In parts of the reef, fish have vanished and corals have died en masse.
More than 90% of all marine species are dependent on coral reefs.
Experts say we need to care about climate change. The ongoing coral carnage may be what makes it real.
“This is the most widespread, longest coral bleaching event ever to occur," a U.S. researcher said.
Climate change is destroying Earth's largest coral ecosystem.
But for Gitmo to go green, Cuba needs to be on board.
“The new stills ... show large sections of coral drained of all color and fighting for survival.”