corey lewandowski

According to the Mueller report, Trump told his former campaign manager to ask Jeff Sessions to clear the president of wrongdoing and curtail the Mueller probe.
"We never learn!" the president tweeted in response to high-profile figures, including Fox News' Sean Hannity, backing Cuomo after a man called him "Fredo."
The president's former campaign manager is reportedly considering a run for the U.S. Senate in New Hampshire.
The CNN host said Fox News does "nothing but parrot the president’s positions and ignore anything that’s bad for him."
The president needs to manufacture a crisis to get his wall built, says conservative pundit Charlie Sykes.
Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie name names in new book, saying Trump appointees have launched a "resistance," The Washington Post reports.
...but at least Trump knows the prices on the McDonald's menu.
"Who Is America?" teaches Dan Roberts a bizarre "defense" technique for protection from terrorist attackers.
The former Trump campaign manager appeared to mock a girl with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother at the border earlier this week.
The former Trump campaign manager responded to a report about a 10-year-old with Down syndrome torn from her mother by saying, "Womp, womp."