Death threat

Brett Kavanaugh's accuser has been bombarded with death threats and harassment, and has reportedly gone into hiding.
"Democrats betrayed her," the Fox News host said of the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.
The "Infowars" host points a finger gun at special counsel Robert Mueller and calls him "a demon I will take down."
Are these trolls? Actual threats? How can anyone tell the difference, anyway?
"Individuals threatened to shoot, lynch, or cause me serious bodily harm," she said, explaining why she'd canceled Alabama and Texas events.
Some lawmakers say tweets don't warrant Pruitt's 20-person security detail.
One supposed threat was a postcard calling Pruitt "ignorant."
The bronze-winning skater told a radio host his haters "don't matter."
Hoboken's City Hall is stepping up security after a breach at Mayor Ravi Bhalla's office.