
Hundreds of global corporations have promised to help limit deforestation. None of them is meeting that goal.
As the Amazon burns, other forests around the globe face similar threats.
The military will "act strongly" to control the wildfires, Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro promised.
The threat to what some call “the lungs of the planet” has ignited a bitter dispute about who is to blame.
The blazes are roasting South America's biggest country just as far-right President Jair Bolsonaro is rolling back environmental and indigenous protections.
The rainforest is burning amid increasing deforestation by farmers and ranchers.
The country plans to plant a total of 4 billion trees by October as part of an effort to reverse decades of deforestation.
“We’ve gone through multiple rounds where Cargill executives promise to act and then fail to get anything done."
We eat it, clean our homes and bodies with it and even fuel our cars with it. But our insatiable demand for palm oil is wreaking havoc on the planet — and our climate.
“We’re the first generation to live in peace in Colombia, but we are destroying our most biodiverse ecosystem.”