deutsche bank

Congressional Democrats are asking a federal judge to enforce their subpoena for Trump's taxes.
"No other bank would lend him money. We want to understand that relationship," the congresswoman tells Chris Hayes.
The president attacked The New York Times and "Fake Media" in a flurry of defensive tweets on Monday morning.
House lawmakers slammed the effort, saying it was "designed to put off meaningful accountability as long as possible."
Democrats are turning up the heat on President Donald Trump by subpoenaing his financial records.
The demand is part of an "authorized investigation into allegations of potential foreign influence on the U.S. political process," said Rep. Adam Schiff.
Former Deutsche Bank executive Christopher Burnham is named to the board of Oleg Deripaska's companies after actions Rep. Lloyd Doggett called "sordid."
Two bank employees are suspected of helping clients set up offshore companies in tax havens to launder hundreds of millions of euros.
Even as they claimed they were committed to fighting climate change.
The regulator also asked for information related to other family members.