
The Florida governor said video from a Texas drag show showed the performance was “not something children should be exposed to.”
"As I put him into makeup in my childhood bedroom on Easter Sunday, I watched as he came to experience this joy for himself."
The "Drag Race" winner and emerging fashion designer talks black socks, Google Docs and going to Target.
The "RuPaul's Drag Race" alum promised spooky "stars and looks" in the virtual edition of her "Mask It or Casket" concert, debuting this week.
Bob the Drag Queen, Naomi Smalls and Nina West discuss how the pandemic has affected what they do, where they do it, and the community they're devoted to.
Quinn Laroux is a drag queen that gives tours that educate individuals on the history of sex workers and queer people in New Orleans. However, Covid-19 has forced Quinn to stop giving her tours and performing.
HuffPost spoke with five drag king performers about their daily style, performance style and life experiences, both in and out of drag.
Every episode will pair three stars with "Drag Race" legends like Trixie Mattel, Alyssa Edwards and Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.
The TV host and pop icon told Andy Cohen he opted for comfort — and to maintain social graces.
"It was really freeing for me to create Shangela. And not because I’m hiding in the character. There’s a lot of me as D.J. in Shangela, and I have the same confidence now, in and out of drag. It’s something you have to build up."